"Facial Afflictions"
by Randy Mentzer

Outlaw all facial afflictions -
Please do it today
Outlaw all facial problems -
I like it that way
Outlaw all facial mutations -
Outlaw facial decay
Outlaw everything -
That has to do with your face
Face blotches and face scars -
A thousand dollar fine and a prison sentence
Face lifts -
10 years imprisonment
Triangular face -
That's the death of your first born
Parallel face -
That's immediate death
Outlaw all facial afflictions -
Please do it today
Outlaw all facial problems -
I like it that way
Outlaw all facial mutations -
Outlaw facial decay
Outlaw everything -
That has to do with your face
Face blotches and face scars -
A thousand dollar fine and a prison sentence
Face lifts 10 -
years imprisonment
Triangular face -
That's the death of your first born
Parallel face -
That's immediate death